Youth Exchange
The Wimberley Lions Club (WLC) Youth Exchange Program provides an opportunity for juniors and seniors at Wimberley High School and Katherine Ann Porter Charter School to travel abroad to experience a Lions International Youth Exchange Camp and a host family experience. Applications will be accepted until September 30th via the link below. Interviews will take place sometime in October.
Students selected for the five grant-funded positions and other, non-grant students go through a rigorous orientation to the Youth Exchange Program, starting in December, with expectations and instructions for completing the Youth Exchange camp applications. Each student applicant selects three camps and must provide the required documentation for their Youth Exchange camp application. Applications to the Youth Exchange camps are sent in February to the primary camp selection for each student. Once accepted to a camp, the Youth Exchange student will have additional camp documents to complete. Grant-funded students get their airline tickets funded up to $2,500. Camp fees and other related fees (travel insurance, U.S. passport, etc.) are the responsibility of the Youth Exchange student.
The Lions International Youth Exchange Camps in the northern hemisphere (Europe, Far East countries, etc.) operate in the Summer months (June through August). Southern hemisphere Youth Exchange camps (e.g., New Zealand, Australia, etc.) occur during the Winter months (December, January, etc.) Returning Summer Youth Exchange students have an opportunity to participate in a video interview and give a short report at the second WLC meeting in August.