The Wimberley Lions Club (WLC) Grants Committee is the committee responsible for selecting worthy organizations to give grants to fund their activities that follow the Lions service guidelines. To date, WLC has given over $4 million to Lions International programs and local organizations.
A grant application reminder email is sent out each summer to previous-year applicants. New organizations are also encouraged to apply. The application process is now entirely online, and when the period opens early each summer the form to apply can be found here. After the WLC budget for the new fiscal year is set in July, the WLC Grants Committee meets in August to review all received grant applications. The Grants Committee selects which applicants to fund and the amounts for each organization, given the total amount of grant funding available in the annual WLC budget.
Each grant application will be evaluated against the WLC grant guidelines. Our emphasis is organizations that serve local youth and improve the Wimberley region by providing focused funding for community needs through volunteers. The WLC does not fund national charities, religious organizations, startup operations, or political organizations. WLC also does not award grant funding intended to pay an organization's staff salaries.
Duties of Grants Committee Members:
Select and recommend specific donation recipients and donation amounts from the list of prospective beneficiaries.
Coordinate the donation budget with Treasurer's budget allowance for Club donations.
Verify the worthiness of the beneficiaries organization in terms of quality, management and ideals consistent with Lions objectives and principles.
Present the proposed donation budget to the Board of Directors of Wimberley Lions Club for approval, and then to the general membership of the club for final approval.
Plan and arrange for disbursement of donations to the recipients during regular club meetings to maximize the image of the club as the organization fulfilling its mission, "we serve".